Getting a Chemical Peel Could Be Your Best Option If You Want Quicker, Noticeable Results
While other treatments like PRPs, dermal fillers and laser treatments utilize the growth of collagen and elastin from under the skin to achieve desired results, it takes a longer time for the full effect to be noticeable. The delay is due to the fact that these treatments rely on the body’s natural ability to develop these components that will aid in getting younger-looking skin. Treatments like dermal fillers could speed up the process by stimulating the growth of collagen and elastin but not as quick as the results one could get with chemical peels.
Chemical peels work on the dermis and epidermis which gives a more defined result considering that results will take effect soon as peeling happens. The logic behind chemical peels is simple – shed off the current skin to grow a new one. As the new skin grows, it is best to do follow-up sessions with your aesthetician or health provider to ensure a more “assisted” skin growth.
For a more effective exfoliating procedure, more people rely on chemical peels to get the skin they like. Since this treatment peels off the top layer of the skin, it helps clear the skin’s dark spots (hyperpigmentation) and assists in getting a more even skin tone. Cystic acne, as well as acne scars, are also addressed. Chemical peels can also help in reducing the signs of skin aging by treating fine lines and wrinkles and promoting cell renewal to improve the skin’s texture.
There are three types of chemical peels namely light, medium and deep peel. It is imperative to know how one differs from the other and equally important to consult an expert first prior to deciding which one to get.
The types of peels are based on the acidic level and the depth of areas to be treated. As the name implies, chemical peels are done with the help of chemicals with different acidity levels which would help dissolve or peel the skin based on one’s need. There are skin conditions that can be resolved by a light peel with a lower level of acid. Then there are some were a stronger chemical is needed to address the second or deeper layer of the skin for treatment.
Light and medium peels are effective and require zero to minimal downtime respectively. However, getting a medical deep peel is different. Deep peels use stronger chemical solutions to cleanse the skin up to the layers under the dermis where living tissues lie. Since this procedure uses chemicals with higher acidity levels, more discomfort and downtime are expected.
Only a licensed health provider such as a nurse or physician can perform deep chemical peels. It takes 14 to 21 days for a deep peel to heal and your health provider would require an absolutely zero exposure to the sun within three to six months .. The use of sunblock with SPF 50 or better is highly recommended.
Sanctuaire MD offers various types of chemical peels intended to treat hyperpigmentation, acne scars and uneven skin tone currently known as the best luxe day & med spa in Lafayette, CA, Sanctuaire MD boasts the availability of some of the best medical and day spa treatments like IPL Therapy, Microneedling Hydrafacials, Microdermabrasion, and Spa facials to help you achieve that youthful, glowing skin.
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